Sex Toys

Sexy lingerie in Malaysia

Where can I buy sexy lingerie in Malaysia? I need sexy lingerie for a special occasion, but I don’t know where to get it!  Sounds like you? We gotcha, sista.  Shopping for sexy lingerie in Malaysia used to be something embarrassing, shy, or not spoken upon publicly. Plus, the options were horrible years ago! But […]

Condom myths debunked! 

Condom, that one word that is enough to catch attention. Some people have it in their wallets, ready at all times. Some are too shy to even purchase it via a drug store counter.    While condom is one of the most effective ways to reduce unplanned pregnancy or HIV/STI infection, I can’t help but […]

Lubricants: Choosing The Right One

How to keep things wet and fun in the bedroom? Get yourself some lubricants, even if you’re not experiencing any dryness.  Our bodies are capable enough to generate natural lubricants, though it is totally fine if you would wanna add more excitement. By adding lube, penetration and even masturbation are much more comfortable and pleasurable. […]

Sex Toys Malaysia: Where do I buy?

Where do I buy good quality sex toys in Malaysia? We’re still far from being a community that speaks about sex life openly, making sex education, sex shops, and sex toys Malaysia hard to access. Many still find it uncomfortable to mention the “penis” or “vagina” word. It takes A LOT of work to break […]

Dildos for me time

We all need some quality ME time, and sometimes it means getting your dildos for a quick fix.  You know that strong urge but your partner is just not around? Or he’s not hard anymore and you’re no way close to climax? Frustrating, I know. This is when dildos come in handy. Feeling loved with Mr. […]

Private parts hygiene in 5 simple steps

Like it or not, private parts are fascinating on their own. They are capable of maintaining their hygiene but sometimes might need a little more attention due to our lifestyle or habits. Ever wondered how you keep your “down there” clean and fresh?  First and foremost, and also the easiest way— #1 Clean your private […]

Advantages of Using a Penis Pump

Penis Pump Penis pumps or Vacuum Constriction Device (VCD) as it is therapeutically called, is a typical gadget that is utilized for erectile dysfunction treatment. It is evaluated that over half of men will experience the ill effects of some level of erectile dysfunction, utilizing a penis pump offers men a protected other option to […]

How to Choose a Good Vibrator?

Any single lady should realize that having your very own partner as a vibrator is an outright should. Not just to alleviate the regular urges you may have as a lady, yet to find precisely what it is you like and how you like it. All things considered, how would you anticipate that your partner […]

What is Cock Ring and Why Use It?

Cock ring, penis rings, and constriction devices. Three words which amount the same object. The term penis rings is a polite term, whereas constriction device is a term used more so in medical and research literature. Cock rings can be used for pleasure, decorative or rehabilitative purposes. This article focuses on the various uses of […]

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